Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hot Hot Hot!

Well, this weekend it was HOT!! That's what I can say about that.. and a little scary at times!! The winds were high and the storms nasty at times.. Trees are everywhere...but was all cool at the same time.

I didn't do much this weekend.. Lots of family time, which is awesome. We took the boys to the Driving Range and hit some golf balls. We then did a lot of miscellaneous things at home!!

What's this about tomatoes carrying salmonella?? I love tomatoes.. They can't stop serving them.. how about some soap and water.. and WASH THEM??!! or stop growing plants with chemicals and poop!!??!! ;) I love tomatoes.. this is not good!! :)

I have the next week off.. I am going to paint Cade's room.. take the boys downtown to a museum and well... that's about it.. the rest.. going to work out and enjoy my time off!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was hot and humid here, too. We had a doozy of a thunder storm last night. Today is windy but no rain clouds. At least the wind cools things down a bit.

Hope you enjoy your week!