Well, it has been a rough week. My Grandma got sent to the hospital, my mom got some news(but thank goodness she is okay), My students are a mess (they all have home issues that seem to be terrible at the moment), and Benjamin is having a rough time with Great-Grandma being sick and his father not coming to pick him up!! Ugh!!
It is all a lot in just one week. I am overwhelmed and stressed out. I have a short fuse for pretty much everyone around me. Amazingly I somehow keep that to myself for the most part. I am just tired and my husband is not home to give me a hug just to make me feel better. He has been great about calling and making sure I'm okay and he's feeling bad he is not home right now, but he's at work and there is nothing else we can do about it. He has to work!! :)
There is confusing news about my Grandma. She had the biopsy done sometime yesterday. We were told we wouldn't get the results until Saturday. My mom got a phone call saying that the doctor couldn't find anything wrong on the samples that he took. My mom said this biopsy was terrible for my Grandma because I guess you have to be awake during the procedure. Grandma is not doing well. She is asking for morphine and my mom says she just doesn't look good. I am going to go visit her in the hospital on my way to see Ryan tomorrow. I am nervous to bring Benjamin because he is already very scared. I am going to wait until she's home to bring him to see her. My Grandma wants to be at home because that is where she feels comfortable. I am hoping she gets better and gets to spend at least one more Christmas with us, but until we hear from the doctors or they figure something out, the outlook just does not look good. It's interesting because this is the first immediate death in the family for me. Both of my biological grandfathers died before I was born, so I never had to go through with that. I am not extremely close to this Grandmother, but it is still hurting. It is my family. It is especially hard for me when I see Benjamin cry about it. I am just happy Benjamin was so lucky to know his Great-Grandparents. Not all kids have that oppurtunity.....This will be a big lesson for both Benjamin and me. I keep telling him that this is the first time I have experienced one of my family members died.
Well, that's about where I am at... I hope everyone has a good weekend if I don't get back on to post and thanks for all the supporting notes and emails!! I'll keep everyone updated...
Why become a homeschooler?
5 years ago
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