Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lots of Love, Lots of Toys, Brand New Puppy on the Way

Hello All!! Christmas was a success!! B is now 10 years old and loving it. He got an IPOD for his birthday/Christmas from my brother. It is his FAVORITE gift. He loves it and hasn't put it down!! :)

C got lots of art supplies which is exactly what he wanted along with some of his OWN legos and K'Nex!!

I'm doing well.. My mom got me a COACH purse .. which is just awesome of her!! We did a grab bag with my family this year and my grab bag person got me a Sirius Radio.. which is what I wanted!! Yea me!! :)

R got what he wanted.. Harley Davidson things/gift cards!!

The puppy did not arrive today, but will be arriving next Saturday. We were hoping she would come today, but the breeder had a water main break at her house, so she was unable to bring the puppies out here for us to choose from :( .. Oh well.. Next Saturday will have to do. We were hoping for today because we are home for the next week and we can get into training mode while we are here!! but.. . whatchya gonna do.. you know??? :)

I posted some pics on my facebook page, but I can't do it here as I am on R's computer because mine is hopefully being fixed by my mommy!!!! She did tell me I needed to get a hard drive to back up my computer or it will crash.. VERY SOON!! :) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk!!

Well, I'm off for the night!! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.. and will have a Very Happy NEW YEAR!! :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

My ear hurts

Hey there. Had a snow day today. It was boring.. . I would have rather been in school and not had to make up the day at the end of the year. I don't have much to say.. just thought I would check in!! So, Hello all! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rough Monday, Decent Tuesday

So Yesterday just sucked. I am just going to say it like that... I'll list the reasons why -

1) My friend MM got into a car accident. Thank goodness she is okay, but she is paying for it in her sore body today.

2) My printer broke - It is only about 6 months old.. and it popped a spring!! I am ticked about that but I don't feel like sitting on the phone and waiting for some tech person to talk to.. they'll probably tell me that that isn't covered in the warranty.. Maybe I'll call tomorrow

3) R called.. He's in Minnesota this week.. The machine he was suppossed to be working on broke.. ugh!!

4) Last, but not least.. My mom broke her arm. She seems to have this problem every five years. Shortly after B was born, she broke her foot, but walking down the steps at her work. 5 Years ago she broke BOTH of her arms running out to beat the garage before the garage door closed. Yesterday, She was trying to 'carefully' get the mail with all the ice that is falling around here, but ended up slipping and landing on her arm. It is not a pretty break.. BUT, the doctor thinks if she keeps her arm still (and they are not going to cast it) that it could heal okay. She is out of work for 4 WEEKS THOUGH!! That's a long time. I should also mention that she got shingles a few days before Thanksgiving so she is in a lot of pain from that... Ugh!! My poor mom and I haven't been able to go give her a big hug because the weather here is ICY!!

So, that was my yesterday. Today has not been so bad. They let us out of work at 1pm today to make sure everyone got home safe. The students got sent home a little before that. B was suppossed to go with Bio-Dad. .I tried to call him all day to see if he wanted to switch days with the bad weather but did not call me back until 5:15.. at that point.. I said, "no" because he had all day to call me and he waits until I pick B up from schoool in tears because his father didn't show and didn't even call! He's such a jerk. B and I rocked it out on Guitar Hero III though so we had a good time!

Other than that, just chillin' by my Christmas tree and watching some tv.. it's nice to be/feel relaxed for once :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Downtown 2008

By the Christmas Tree!!
Showing our support for Obama!

B's Favorite thing to do when we go downtown = FEED THE PIGEONS! :)

B, C, O, and Nana (my mom) with Santa.. (My Mom LOVES Santa!!) He was actually a really really good Santa too!!

It was cold but we had a great time! I'm just posting some pics!! I'll fill y'all in later!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holy Jamoley!!


5 Things MeMe :) Yes, I snagged this from other people :)

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:

1) Living at Illinois State University
2) Studying to become a Deaf Education Teacher
3) Working at Kohl's
4) Was pregnant and didn't know it :)
5) Was unaware that my life was about to change in a way that noone could ever imagine :)

5 Things on My To-Do List Today(Tomorrow):
1)Go Downtown to see the Christmas Tree and Windows
2)Cuddle with the Hubby because he's leaving for a week
3)Get the boys ready for school
4) Try to think of more Christmas gifts I need to get
5)Maybe head to WalMart for some much needed things

5 Snacks I Like:
Cheese and Crackers
Chips and Salsa

5 Things I Would Do if I Was a Millionaire:
1) Move as far away from the snow as possible :)
2) Put money in savings for the boys
3) Give a little money to my family and donate some
4) Pay off my debt to the lawyer
5) Buy a new car!

5 Places I Have Lived:
Schaumburg, IL
Chicago, IL
Hanover Park, IL
Hoffman Estates, IL
Woodstock, IL

5 Jobs I've had(and the ONLY 5 jobs I've ever had)!!:
Little Ceaser's Ceaserland
NI Radon aka GlobeSpec
Laureate Day School
Allendale Association

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Sorry I have been missing. I have just been busy. Today is hubby's birthday and he's buried in the basement somewhere!! He is actually finishing our mud room. We started this project and it is throwing off my laundry room as that is where our machines are!! :) He's a good guy as you can read from the last post! :)

I'm in a good mood lately. I found out that my school is opening a classroom of 7-10 year olds and I GET TO TEACH IT!! I love that idea. I love my job and I love teaching the kids I do, but the high school is not my 'dream' place to be. I love working with the little kids.. and I FINALLY GET TO DO IT!! I am soooooooooooooooo happy that I didn't take the job I got at the boys school last year. It is just a nice feeling to know that I'll be doing what I want to do!!

We are making our annual trip to downtown Chicago this weekend! I can't wait! As of right now it says it's going to be cold, but oh well... I love seeing the boys' eyes light up at the Christmas Tree and Windows! Oh yea, and I can't forget the pigeons!! :) I will post pics!! WE are going on Sunday and I can't wait. WE didn't get to go last year because there literally was a blizzard on the day we planned to go. I only have limited weekends to pick from IF the other parents decide to pick the boys up!!

Of course I struggle with Bio-Dad still, but I have given up on hoping that he will stop letting B down.. and silly me.. I get let down every time.. I don't know why I keep thinking that he'll grow up and show B that he does care and love him.

Hmmm.. Well, Grey's is going to be on in a few minutes and I need to go change the laundry!! Hope everyone is doing well. .and oh yea.. MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)

I'm a Copy Cat! :) All about Hubby :)

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
How's It Made, Desperate Housewives (don't tell him I told you), Dirty Jobs, History Channel, Science Channel..

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

3. What's one food he doesn't like?
It's more of a condiment.. but, ketchup

4. You go out to the bar. What does he order?
Either a Bud Light or a Captain and Coke

5. Where did he go to high school?
Woodstock High School

6. What size shoe does he wear?

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Harley Davidson Parts, Anything having to do with machine engineering

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
I would say Tuna or a BMT from Subway

9. What would he eat every day if he could?
Yu's Mandarin

10. What is his favorite cereal?
Apparently the Boo Berry kind.. I didn't think he ate cereal until just the other day when he saw the boys had some!! :)

11. What would he never wear? Hmmmmm...that's a tough one.. I guess I would say a tight shirt.. He has man boobs..

12. What is his favorite sports team?
Bears, and then NASCAR

13. Who did he vote for? Obama

14. Who is his best friend? Me

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Leave the dishes after the boys eat in the morning to be washed later (He just doesn't seem to get that I don't worry about that in the AM..!!) Him or I always clean them at night though

16. How many states has he lived in? One

17. What is his heritage? German..and a little bit of everything else

18. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what would it be? Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake from Dairy Queen :) (I don't really bake :))

19. Did he play sports in high school? Football.. apparently got kicked out of a game too! :)

20. What could he spend hours doing? Redoing our basement as well as being on the computer! Also Mountain biking and spending time with the boys.

21. What's something cool about him? That he takes care of my son and loves him as if he were his own....He loves mountain biking and fixing up the house or I should say finishing the house..... He also gets to travel to Japan for work! :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008



Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I just want to say that I am thankful for all the people in my life that can help me when I need it most. It means the world to me and I try to do my best to give back. I try to do all I can for my friends when they need me and I hope that if I have their back they will have mine. I have friends that live across the world that check on me.. how great is that? I hope that some day I will get to go and visit them.. especially because they are related to my lil man!! :)

I don't have much to say as I am tired and not feeling well.. I just wanted to say how thankful I am that I have my family and friends.. and the most of all.. a JOB!! So many people are struggling to make it these days and I have been very lucky with my line of work and being able to be as far as I am in the working world. Today I got good news.. MY BOSS IS OPENING A CLASSROOM OF 7-10 YEAR OLDS AND I GET TO TEACH IT!! I am super super excited. It makes me realize that there was a reason I didn't take the job at the public school last year! I love my job and working with any age kid.. but what I really LOVE doing is working with the younger kids!! So, I am super-duper thankful for that!!! I hope it all works out. It may take two weeks to open the class or 2 months, but I know that it's in the works... and that's important to me!!! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


So, had court today. I THOUGHT (ha ha) I might get somewhere today. I was told I was going to be getting the money that biodad owes me from when he was in jail. He owed me quite a bit, so I was looking forward to this money to pay off some bills, and of course for Christmas(which I am not really sure how I'm going to pay for at this point!). I got to court, and bio dad didn't show up. I talked to my lawyer, he said we can still put the order in to get the money turned over to me. I was like cool.. I will still get my check.. WRONG!!

John, my lawyer, comes over to me while he's writing out the check and says.. they write the check to me and then you get it from my office. I said, "okay... so I don't get it today?" He says, "no, but in a couple of days." I was like.. okay that still works. We go in front of judge and we get the order for the check approved. As we are walking out John says, "They said the check might take 3 days, it may take 6 weeks." I was like, "what??!!" I was so close to tears I left. I am so counting on that money.

I DON'T GET IT... He went to jail on Oct. 2, He paid the money shortly after, as far as I know. I was told I would get the money. I never saw it.. called the lawyer, and he said, "no, you'll have it on Nov. 20." Then I get there today and they are going to tell me.. 6 WEEKS!! How do they expect people to pay their bills.. I mean freakin' A... what in the world did he get sent to jail for?? I still have no money and he is out wandering doing whatever he wants.. including NOT picking up our child for visitation... which of course couldn't be discussed because he didn't show up... and do you think he gets a consequence for not showing... Nooooooooooooo, of course not!!! They will give him.. ANOTHER chance to show on Dec. 11. Ugh!

Then, I leave court, and since Bio Dad wasn't there I figured I would call and try to attempt to set up Thanksgiving visitation. It is Bio-Dad's year to have B for Thanksgiving. I called and left a message asking if he would like him Wednesday night or Thursday morning. His response, "I'M NOT PICKING HIM UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS..." B's birthday is Dec. 24.... so I said, "You are not even going to get him on his birthday at 6pm (it is also his year to have him on Christmas Day).... " He says, "I told you I am only available a couple of hours a week.. did you think I was kidding????"..... I told him off. I told him he is just hurting B.. I asked if he was going to tell B that he wasn't going to come..... his response, "I don't have to explain anything to him or you!!"

I'm so frustrated.. sometimes I wonder why I ever went to court.. but God help me.. I WILL NEVER LET HIM GET AWAY WITH NOT PAYING FOR ANOTHER CHILD!! I've spent so much money on lawyers at this point.....He can walk away.. he can be gone for the next 8 years.. and I may wait until right before B's 18th birthday to ever go back to court again.. . but so help me .. HE WILL PAY!!

Okay.. so I vented a bit here.. but it felt good...... I'm going to go before you all get bored!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Don't know what to title this...

Hello! I am doing well.. Just wanted to let everyone know! :).. I don't have much to report! I am busy with the kids and work! I wish I had some great words of wisdom, but I do not!!

I go back to court on Thursday to TRY to settle the custody issues, but I have a feeling that nothing will get done.. It is VERY frustrating!! ugh!!

I can't wait to head downtown this year. We didn't get to go last year thanks to a near blizzard that almost came through. We go to Chicago to see the lights and Christmas Trees as well as the windows at Macy's. We have lunch and the kids get to see some more of the city!! It's great!!

Have to get the boys boots tonight... there is snow (just a little) but there is snow and they are told that they can't go on the playground or grass until they have boots. I guess it is time.. it is the middle of NOVEMBER!! :) .. I have checked their winter coats and snow pants.. but totally forgot about boots!! DUH!! :)

Oh well.. Off to work again!!..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back at Home

Went to Florida for the last 5 days. It was beautiful weather. I come home.. and blah! I want to go back.. It is gorgeous out there. . people thought we were crazy because we had shorts on.. The funny thing is, it was 74 degrees there!! They said they were cold... hah! :)

We had an excellent time with the familiy and it was a lot of fun! I got to see my Grandma and Grandpa who I love dearly and that was probably the most favorite part of my trip!.. . .

The funniest even was when C fell in the ocean because he got dizzy from looking at the waves... HE WAS FULLY CLOTHED!! :) It was great!! I would post a pic but the husband is using my computer right now!! ugh!! I will post pics soon here and/or on my facebook. Both boys experience their first upside down roller coaster!!

Sadly, while I was in Florida, my Grandmother (my father's mother) that lives here in Chicago passed away. She was diagnosed with liver cancer not too long ago (September). It was quick, but I know she is out of pain. Her funeral was Monday and I really struggled to decide if I should have stayed in Florida or if we should come home for the funeral. After discussing it with R, we decided we would stay in Florida (my mom and dad were okay with us staying there. . actually told us to stay). We were there to visit my other grandparents and I thought it was important to spend the little time we did have with them and what a better way to help celebrate my grandma's life by spending it with my other one!! I know that is what my Grandma would have been okay with.

I did not tell the boys until we came home. B was not very happy with me that I waited to tell him, but I told him I didn't want him to worry or be sad while we were gone. I told him we would go visit Great-Grandma's grave and he could say 'good-bye' there. He cried for a little while and is still sad, and stated, "It's just not fair." I read somewhere once that I child does not fully understand the meaning of death until they are 9 or 10. Well, that's how he is, so I think he really gets it. He has only experienced one other death and that was my best friend's father, and I don't think he fully comprehended that when he was only 5. Unfortunately, that death occured when we went to Disney World the first time! C handled it okay. He had some tears, but he has only met my Grandma once or twice. He is often at his mom's when we saw her on the holidays. He was supportive of B and me and he is such a great kid with a big heart! Both of the kids are! I'm so thankful for them!

As upset as they can get me to be... they can always put a smile on my face!

I love you Grandma...and you will always have a place in my heart!!! XOXO

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I love Tigger!! He is my favorite character!! I hope I get to see him this weekend! We take off for our vacation tomorrow! It is exciting!! Cade's first time on an Airplane, Our first trip on a plane as a family!! I can't wait! I am so super excited.. ... .

I'm tired of the election stuff.. I will say that.. I am very excited to see who wins either late tonight or tomorrow morning. One of my best friends, Kara, go to go to the Obama Rally tonight here in Chicago!! I am a bit jealous! It would be really cool to be there.. you know.. historical event and all.. even if he did lose.. I HOPE he doesn't... I know I know Matt.. Not who you want :) ....

I wish I had more wonderful things to report, but at this point.. I am just so excited about going and the fact that bio-dad has interfered is even better!! Yea!! Anywho.. If I don't get to update from my phone.... I will update when I get home!! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Is it Friday yet??!!! Once again... Bio-Dad is on a roll... Picked up B today..

B has a mole that has to be removed from his back. It is not a nice looking mole. The doctor wants to remove it. It is one of the moles that looks like it could turn into cancer and they need/should remove it, just in case. The doctor doesn't think it would be malignant, but you never know.. there is a small chance.. but it should be fine. I notified Bio Dad of this procedure when we found out about it last week, but he never returned my call. So, today, he picks up B and tells B that he will talk to the Doctor and then make the decision of if he needs it removed. ...... I think it's okay for him to get to talk to the doctor.. that is fair.. but to make the decision?!! He's nuts!! He is just something else.. When I picked up B from the police station, he tried to take B and hold him at his side so B couldn't go if he wanted to.. I told him to let him go.. and Bio-Dad says, "I just want to talk to you about visitation." I said, "that's fine, but you aren't going to hold him hostage!!"... He always wants to talk visitation like I have the right to change what it says in the papers or do whatever I want... It's so frustrating!!!! The lady at the front desk must have heard me say let him go.. because she interferred and told Bio Dad to leave B and go.... A cop showed up and made sure Bio Dad didn't leave with B when he had to go get his back pack from his car. Why B didn't have his backpack with him.. I don't know??

Anywho.. that was probably confusing.. but I needed to process it!!! Thanks for listening!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


So..I am super excited.. Just about 2 weeks until we leave for florida!! I am so nervous about having everything ready and I would like the vacation to go off without a hitch! :) .. It would be nice!! :)

Not much to say about this weekend. Bio-Dad didn't pick up B and Bio-Mom picked up C this morning. C will most likey be back tomorrow sometime.. or at least I hope so considering my parents are visiting!! C knows to call us if he wants to come home!

I have had quite a productive weekend as in cleaning and laundry. .. other than that.. I have just enjoyed being home for once!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

He's Out

So, I am at work today.. and I got kind of a surprise. Every Tuesday we have meetings until 4pm. I got a phone call at around 3:45 from B's After School Program teacher. I thought she might be calling to ask if B could play with her son because they are like best friends. WELL, I WAS WRONG.. she was calling to tell me that Bio-Dad had just come and picked B up from school.. .and she was confused because I had told her that he would be in jail until November 20!! Well, little did I know.. that he must have paid his bail and got out. His bail is what he owed me which is nice because I will get a check for that.. but he never told me he was out, never told me he was coming to get B and no one in the court system has ever notified me of this either! I was scared to death that he was going to take B and run. Thank goodness.. he did show up with him, but at my house when I was not home. I was out at Wal-Mart keeping myself busy and trying not to think the worst. For those of you that don't know Bio-Dad.. .he is pretty much capable of anything.. including taking my child and running..... So, I had to tell B that I would be at the police station (where we are suppossed to do pick ups and drop offs) in about a half an hour.. which is the TIME that he is suppossed to get dropped off. I was nervous, but with a cart full of food.. I was just glad that he had called, and Bio-Dad didn't oppose when I said it would be that long.

Now, I am just taking deep breaths and thanking goodness that my son is home safe and sound.. . and then I am crawling in my skin because I thought he would be locked up for a while and not have to worry about these weekend situations and all of that.. Darnit.. it is almost like he wins again.. he didn't sit in jail long enough to realize what he has been doing to his son.. .. just like today....... I feel like he isn't picking up B to see him.. because if he was he would have at least called and told B he was coming... He did this to get under my skin...and in a really messed up kind of way....... ugh!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sleepless in Woodstock!

Hey there.. I'm having trouble sleeping. You would think that after a hotel night of sleep last night that I would be able to sleep tonight.. ha ha.. I wish :).... I don't know why I go through all this insomnia stuff. I have such a difficult time falling asleep. I wish I was like R who just lays down and shuts his eyes and falls asleep! Ugh!!

So, had a good week and weekend. This is Columbus Day weekend so the kids have no school tomorrow. I am taking them up to Milwaukee Zoo with their Cousins and a friend of mine so that should be fun. R and I spent the weekend up in Sheboygan, WI for a bike race, but R didn't race. We were just visiting because it was the last race of the year. R has decided to put racing off to the side since we have purchased the motorcycle. That has become more our hobby, although it feels more like R's right now because he is still learning and getting the hang of it. I am fine with that though, as I want him to be super comfortable with me on the bike before I go for any 'long distance' rides. We need to get a new seat that will be more comfortable for both of us!!

We are headed to Florida in a few weeks! I can't wait! B has been there a lot of times, but C has never ever been on an airplane so I am excited to see C's face when we get on it and go!! I think both boys will have a blast! We are headed to Disney World and NASA. NASA happens to have an air and water show going the same weekend we are there so we are excited to see that. I guess it is starring the Blue Angels.

Well, I feel like I'm boring everyone.. so I am going to sign off.. and maybe try to go back to bed. They always say you should get up and go do something else for a while.. so that's what I'm trying :)!!! Hope everyone had a good weekend.. and J-Columbus should be an observed American Holiday for those of you in Finland :)!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So... I don't know if you all know this.. but you can look up inmates in a county jail to see if they are there. I don't know how often they update them.. but I looked up Bio-Dad and he is still not on there!! ugh!! I am now wondering if he is out!!??!! I will just have to keep checking everyday!

I'm tired...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Well, today I had the second half of my root canal.. and right now it hurts a lot.. a lot worse than it did on Saturday... :)

B got an ear infection last night, so I took him to immediate care and they said it was pretty bad. I'm not surprised.. He had a cold for a week or so and then it cleared up "all of a sudden".. . well, it didn't clear up, it just clogged his ear!! :).. Well, from the medicine, or a bug.. I'm not sure.. B was in the bathroom all night,and then threw up this morning.. YUCK.. problem is.. I had court today.. I asked the MIL to help watch him and she did. That was nice of her.. and a good thing too.. because I don't think Benjamin should have seen what happened at court today.....

Bio-Dad got put in jail. He did not even attempt to pay me any money at court, and did not want to admit that he hasn't paid anything at all since July..... He left in handcuffs.. . His bail is the amount he owes, or he stays until November 20. I told B that his dad is in jail for not being responsible. B is sad, but I think it is good that he knows the truth. I don't lie to my children!!! I don't think that is a good habit to get into.. and B is old enough to figure it out anyway!!! So, that's the story. I wish I could say I had a 'funner' day off of work.. but it really wasn't!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So, Work has been okay. My tooth hurts. I go to court on Thursday. I am just ready for a break. Hopefully things will slow down after this week... I keep saying that and it doesn't happen! :) I can't even get my workouts in or ride my bike.. and that is annoying!!! :)

The boys are doing good.. B is a little overwhelmed with his school work and organization.. but we are working on it. C is trying to stay on top of making sure his work is all done!! So far for them, a good school year! Picture day is for them tomorrow!! They are growing up so fast!! They are really really picky about their clothes too... I THOUGHT THAT WAS SUPPOSSED TO HAPPEN WITH LITTLE GIRLS.. NOT BOYS :) !!!!

I go to court for custody issues and child support on Thursday. We will see how that goes. I really don't want Bio-Dad to go to jail but he is quite a bit behind and that is what the judge threatened him with back in the beginning of August. Back then he was quite a bit behind, and now it is two more months and he still hasn't paid me a dime!!! I also want the custody issues straightened out. I never know if he's coming to pick up B or not and that is just plain annoying. I'm so glad I have kept notes.. out of 37 weekends that Bio Dad could have had B.. he has come for 18!! Yea.. I said it.. 18........... That just frustrates me for B more than anything!!! I guess it's better than none!

Anyhow... I just thought I would fill people in.. oh yea. .Ryan is back home.. He's been home for a bout two weeks and we actually did get a dryer .. so I have FINALLY caught up with laundry!! :) Yea me!! :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


So, I had a root canal this morning.. It sucks.. it hurts.. and just thought I would check in and say hi.. I am going to go take some more pain meds and go to bed !!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blah...I'm venting

So, I have a crappy day at work. I had my life threatened and oh a whole bunch more. I am splitting my classroom up between the kids that want to learn and the kids that want to act out. We are literally opening another classroom because the kids in my class can't handle it! Ugh!...It makes me feel like a failure, but of course everyone keeps telling me that it's not me it's the kids!! Well.. I hope that's true..

Ryan called and took the train home. He was home for well, maybe, 5 minutes because he had to go back to work tonight in the city. I guess I got to see him for 5 minutes, that's better than none. I was just hoping we would get to talk and look at DRYERS.. because I am sick and tired of not having one! It's not Ryan's fault.. I am just tired of him being away!!

Two positives... B and C.. They were both wonderful kids tonight... so thank goodness for that! I even let them go in the hot tub since they were so good!! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Work, Homework, and More

So, it's Tuesday. This week seems to be going by a little faster than last week which is good. My students are finally accepting that I am not going to give an inch and that their behavior has consequences. It was a tough argument, but I win!! :) .. A lot of the kids just think that they can do what they want and whenever they want, so when they are held accountable they react. They become angry or aggressive. I have an awesome aide so she does well and we both stay extremely consistent!!! The other thing they seem to have a hard time with is Minding Their Own Business... We call that and MYOB... and they are struggling with not being concerned with the other student in the classroom!! They are so worried about what another kid's consequence is that they forget to worry about their own!!! :) So, so far, a good week with work.

Benjamin and Caden are doing well. They are enjoying school. They both miss Ryan as well as their other parents. They are both struggling with that a little bit because neither parent has picked them up!! I see their hearts ache and that makes me sad. All you can say for them is, "We are here for you and that's what matters.". .. .. Both boys have a little more homework than they did last year, but they are hanging in there. Both of them are very good about getting their work done with no complaints!!

Ryan just called and said he will be coming home to get the car tomorrow so he can come home on Thursday night for good. I am so excited!! I really miss him sleeping next to me and him being here!! Plus... if he comes home I can start looking for a new dryer!! Ours broke so I have been hanging our clothes out to dry and that is really hard to keep up!! :)

I guess that's it for now..

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well, it has been a rough week. My Grandma got sent to the hospital, my mom got some news(but thank goodness she is okay), My students are a mess (they all have home issues that seem to be terrible at the moment), and Benjamin is having a rough time with Great-Grandma being sick and his father not coming to pick him up!! Ugh!!

It is all a lot in just one week. I am overwhelmed and stressed out. I have a short fuse for pretty much everyone around me. Amazingly I somehow keep that to myself for the most part. I am just tired and my husband is not home to give me a hug just to make me feel better. He has been great about calling and making sure I'm okay and he's feeling bad he is not home right now, but he's at work and there is nothing else we can do about it. He has to work!! :)

There is confusing news about my Grandma. She had the biopsy done sometime yesterday. We were told we wouldn't get the results until Saturday. My mom got a phone call saying that the doctor couldn't find anything wrong on the samples that he took. My mom said this biopsy was terrible for my Grandma because I guess you have to be awake during the procedure. Grandma is not doing well. She is asking for morphine and my mom says she just doesn't look good. I am going to go visit her in the hospital on my way to see Ryan tomorrow. I am nervous to bring Benjamin because he is already very scared. I am going to wait until she's home to bring him to see her. My Grandma wants to be at home because that is where she feels comfortable. I am hoping she gets better and gets to spend at least one more Christmas with us, but until we hear from the doctors or they figure something out, the outlook just does not look good. It's interesting because this is the first immediate death in the family for me. Both of my biological grandfathers died before I was born, so I never had to go through with that. I am not extremely close to this Grandmother, but it is still hurting. It is my family. It is especially hard for me when I see Benjamin cry about it. I am just happy Benjamin was so lucky to know his Great-Grandparents. Not all kids have that oppurtunity.....This will be a big lesson for both Benjamin and me. I keep telling him that this is the first time I have experienced one of my family members died.

Well, that's about where I am at... I hope everyone has a good weekend if I don't get back on to post and thanks for all the supporting notes and emails!! I'll keep everyone updated...

Monday, September 8, 2008


Today was a rough day at work. I have my students on "Lock Down." This means that they are not allowed to leave the classroom for any circumstances except for their therapies and to go to the bathroom. They have had a hard time adjusting to the rules in the classroom and have chosen not to follow them... So until they do, they will have no priveleges, not even gym class until they start respecting the rules and the staff.
So, after a day of some defiant teeenagers, I finally get to look at my phone. There is a message from my brother. I listen to the message to find out that my Grandma (My Dad's Mom. She lives in Chicago) is in the hospital. I guess she has been having some pain in her stomach and has had no appetite. Well, after some tests they found out that she has cancer cells on her liver. They think that it may have come from somewhere else because it is rare that cancer starts in the liver. This is odd because my Grandma is fairly good about going to the doctor, but at the same time was often resistant to any sort of tests. So, I have no idea really what stage she is in or what her prognosis is.. but I am asking for you to keep my Grandma in your thoughts.

When I told Benjamin about his Great-Grandma he started to cry. It of course brought tears to my eyes. I assured him that the doctors would do everything they could for her. I don't 'mask' any situation for Benjamin. I believe in telling him the truth and not hiding that a family member could pass away some day. He was in tears and scared. I just kept reassuring him that everyone will be okay and the best he could do is to keep her in his thoughts. After a little while, Benjamin said, "I want to donate money. That's how I can help right? I can donate money to cancer research." It was the sweetest thing my little guy has ever said. When Cade found out what was going on, he also donated some of his money to give to cancer research. I'm so proud of my boys!!! I called my Grandma and told her what the kids did and she was so proud of them too!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just PLAIN exhausted

So... had a good weekend so far. I didn't do a whole lot so a whole lot couldn't go wrong ;)-!!

Ryan was able to make it home tonight. That was nice but he is a bit cranky ;). I don't know why??!! He's only been working like 12-15 hour days all week long!! Seriously though, it is good to have him at home. I missed him.

Cade's mom picked him up this weekend, Benjamin's Dad did not come and get him. BUT.. they are at Ryan's neice's birthday party tonight for a few hours. I had to meet Ryan in a town close by to pick him up and we just decided we would spend some time by ourselves for a few hours. I asked Ryan's mom if she would mind driving the boys back home since I had to leave early and she kindly complied.

I'm tired and will just keep rambling.. so I'm going to call it today... Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!!

Monday, September 1, 2008


The Building Ryan's Staying in
Trump Tower.. To Be Completed in 2009, but it is topped off

View of the Sears Tower

Ryan's Condo Building, Again

View of the Lake from his Balcony

Another View from the balcony

Yet.. another view :)

I have to laugh at Benjamin. The boys do not start school until tomorrow because they are building new schools in Woodstock, so the opening of School has been delayed until the day after Labor Day. Benjamin got a letter the other day... He was so excited....

It turns out it was a letter from his teacher for the year. We have heard through the neighborhood that his teacher likes to give homework. Well, in that envelopoe was a letter asking Benjamin to fill out an 'autobiographical' worksheet about himself to help him with his first written assignment at school... "If they had time to do it..." I was going to tell Benjamin he didn't have to, but he chose to do it. He just couldn't believe he had homework already!! It was funny.. he had mixed feelings. It's probably good he did it though because writing is his weakest subject and he needs lots of planning and thought time!! I am really proud of him for doing it.. and doing it on his own without me asking!!!

I dropped Ryan off downtown last night. He has a really nice condo near Hard Rock Cafe and McDonalds....I spent the night down there to say 'goodbye' for a couple of weeks... and again, didn't sleep...... there is a firestation right down the road. Despite being 49 floors up.... you still hear the sirens every 30 minutes!! I feel bad for Ryan and will probably send him some ear plugs!!! There is a really cool view of the new Trump tower being built. It looks taller than the Sears Tower, but it is actually 200 feet short of it. I guess Trump was going to make it the second tallest building in the world, but after 9/11 they decided just to leave it where it is at. It is a pretty interesting building though!!

Today I'm off (I think) to spend the day in a boat on Fox Lake... as long as Benjamin's Dad gets his butt here soon. Of course he told me he would be here between 10 and 11, and now he just called at 10 saying he would be like an hour and a half..... Oh well!!! What else is new??!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Hello Everyone!! Just hanging out at home tonight. Went to the 105th Harley Birthday Celebration up in Milwaukee last night. That was fun.... It was just Ray, Marco, Ryan, and me.. but we had a good time. I got a new Harley Hoody.. :)

The picture that I put up in my profile is a pic of Benjamin and my friend Geoff's son, Matthew!! They are cuties!! It was an adorable picture moment!! Thanks for all your support on Benjamin's great accomplishments in karate .. he's loving it!!

My brother and his wife go in next Thursday for their next ultrasound and doctors appointment!! I can't wait to hear how well they are doing!! Andrea is half way there! Benjamin is so excited that the baby is due in early January.. He thinks it is cool that the baby will be born just about 10 years after him (I think it is neat too!)...

WEll, I'm beat.. so I think I"m going to head to bed!! I hope you all have a good Labor Day (or if you are in Finland, a good Monday.. ).. :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Benjamin had his 'last' karate class of this session and he did an amazing thing!! He broke his first board!!! Benjamin is so excited. A week ago he told me he didn't want to continue with karate.. now that he did this.. he says, "Can I PLEEEEEEASE take the next class :)!! I said, "Of Course!!" He is so proud of himself!! :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I'm struggling with members of my family and I just really and truly don't understand. My parents taught me since I was young that no matter if your blood or not.. you are family. Your friends are family.... that everyone you care about is family. My Grandfather is not my biological grandfather, but he is the only grandfather I've ever known and I couldn't imagine having a better one. Does that mean because he is not blood that I should not consider him family? Sometimes I get the feeling that some people believe and work that way. I have been teaching my boys that yes, they are step-brothers and they are not blood, but we are a family and they are brothers, full, half, step.. whatever.. we are family. Benjamin even considers his half-brother's brother as his brother!! :) I just hope that they take that part with them as they get older. I know I may not be making a lot of sense to people right now, but maybe some of you know the situation and do understand. So, I just wanted to say thanks to all those who truly have loved and cared about Benjamin, Caden, Ryan and I our whole lives whether you are a step, half, or a non-blood-related family or friend. I really truly think of all of you as family and a very close family at that....

I haven't blogged in a while and well, that's because not much has gone on and Ryan finally came home:).. It's been nice to have him home but he is again leaving to go live downtown Chicago for 3 weeks for the IMTS show down there. I will probably see him somewhere in between those 3 weeks, but maybe not?? It truly depends on how busy he is. Ryan and I are doing great and we actually purchased a Harley Davidson recently. He is learning to ride at a school this weekend. He is excited about getting his license next week and being able to ride on his own, get good at it, and then take me for a ride on it too :).... It's something we both wanted and are looking forward to using together....

Benjamin is doing great. Cade and Ben do not start school until September 2 so he is still enjoying his summer. He has been at Kids Club this summer and has made a new best friend. He has been enjoying a karate class although he says he does not want to continue it in the fall. He wants to play basketball ;) .... He will be in fourth grade!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! He's getting older!! He is excited because he will be in middle school in two years. I try to teach him to not want to grow up so fast... but he really wants to see what middle school is like!!

Caden is also doing really well. Caden took swimming lessons this summer and made it through Level 4!! He is a great swimmer and loves the water. Cade is going into Third Grade and has the same teacher Benjamin had the last two years.. so that is nice for me.. His teacher is also an old friend of Ryan's mom's.. so we know her pretty well. Cade said he wished he got the other teacher.. but you can't have your choice all the time!! :)

I'm doing well.. I started the regular school year on Wednesday.. I actually get to teach a classroom of 9th graders this year. This means I will actually get to teach!! :) I am excited because the kids are pretty decent and most of them enjoy school for now!! :) (They are still young).. I have been itching to get on our motorcycle which I hope to do soon, but I really want Ryan to be comfortable with it before I get on there. He is practicing though. I have been working out a lot lately and trying to keep myself in better shape. I have joined my sister's workout club online and that keeps me kicking!! :) I also am enjoying road riding on my bike. I haven't done any mountain biking since my tree incident in May. I just have not been motivated for that since then. I will still do it.. I just need to work up the nerve again......

I hope everyone else is doing well and I will try to do better about posting more often.. I have just been enjoying my summer!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Aunt Chronicles

My brother and his wife finally went to the Doctor today!! They found out that she is 13 weeks and 3 days along!! They had a little scare at first with the heartbeat, but after the ultrasound.. the baby moved around .. and apparently likes to move A LOT..maybe that's what is causing Andrea's nausea??!! The baby is Healthy and Happy!! I tried to post the ultrasound here.. but it did not go so well...I will see what I can do!! There is no official due date yet, but if you count up to 40 weeks... that is the end of December or the beginning of January!! I can't wait!!

Went to Eau Claire this weekend with Ryan to a bike race. He was home for a short weekend, and returned to MN for this week. I think I have seen him a total of about 6 days over the last 6 weeks... wow.. impressive!! He just told me as well, that he will be home next week, but then has to go to KY for a few days after that!!! At some point, he will get to be at home, and stay home.. for a while anyway :).....

Benjamin and Cade are doing wonderful. They both love riding their bikes! They rode around the block today by themselves.. They were very excited!! :) Cade has been in swimming lessons and doing a wonderful job, and Benjamin has been in karate. Benjamin loves karate and he likes to show me all his 'new moves'.... I don't know if he'll continue with it because it was really just a 'filler' for the summer since he couldn't do anything else.. but we'll see.. I guess we never know!

Work for me has been extremely stress free, but almost to the point where it is boring. I am not complaining, but when you only have 2-3 kids show up every day it gets extremely frustrating to complete lesson plans and things like that. ... oh well.. I am definitely going to eat it up after this year!!!!

Anyway.. I hope everyone had a good 4th.. and I'll try to keep this updated more often!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I have been VERY lazy about my blog lately. Just not in the mood to write, I guess. I don't have many exciting things to say..

Had a 'get together' at my house on Friday night. A couple of co-workers came and my closest friends. I got to meet one of my best friend's boyfriend's son. He is so cute! :) I'm just happy that Alissa is happy with her new man and his son!! It's good to see her smile again.

Benjamin had a friend spend the night Friday (it was suppossed to be Benjamin's dad's weekend, but he bailed again). They were great.. considering I had friends over and they didn't go to bed until midnight!! Benjamin had a few moments on Saturday at a pool party he attended, but eventually I think he recognized himself that he had had enough and was ready to go home. He was just too tired. He actually slept in the car on the way home and he doesn't ever take 'naps'.

It was Bug's birthday party today.. that was a lot of fun. She got a big jumpy thingy the kids could jump in, so the kids LOVED THAT!! Caden was hysterical.. He dressed up in a Hawian outfit and gave everyone a BIG laugh as he danced to the music outside!! If I get some pics of that I will post them!! :)

I'm missing Ryan and Cade right now. Ryan is in Japan and Cade has been at his mom's most of the week so I was happy to get Cade today and see him for a bit. . I had to take him back to his mom's, but that is okay because he needs to spend time with her too (That is if she is actually home). ... Ryan has been checking in every day.. he told me he got lost the other day because whatever city he was trying to get to is spelled only two letters different than the other and they took the wrong train or something like that! He comes home Thursday.. I can't wait to see him, but then he has to leave after the weekend to go back to Minnesota!!

I think that's it for now.. work is pretty good.. it's summer.. so it's more relaxed and I'm just enjoying my time!! :)

Guess that's it for now!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm Alive

Just letting everyone know that I am alive.. I haven't written much lately.. last week was a busy week.. I'll try to keep up this week.. shouldn't be too bad... Ryan leaves for Japan on Tuesday, early morning.. :(

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So far, So good.....

Well, we finished Cade's room yesterday.. that was easy.. (whenever I say that I think of that stupid little button from the Staples commercial!!) It looks really nice and Cade actually probably feels like he has a room now :) I will post some pics when I get the camera back (It is out traveling with Ryan right now)

Today, I cleaned the carpets, put the rest of Cade's room back together, met some friends out, and went in the Hot Tub. Benjamin had visitation with his Dad tonight, so I had most of the day to myself. His Dad actually showed up for once, which is good because I don't know if he could take another let down.

I pulled a muscle in my leg. .and I don't know how I did it.. it must have been while painting yesterday.. I always wonder why it hurts so bad when you pull a muscle. ....I want someone to grab my ankle and just pull so I can stretch it out!!! :)

Hmmmmmmmmmm....I guess that's about it.. I have no interesting stories to tell and nothing wonderful to say and I don't want to bore you.... I have 5 days until Summer School Starts, and I am actually somewhat excited... Summer was fun last year and I hope it will be a good change of pace.. this year of teaching was TOUGH!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hot Hot Hot!

Well, this weekend it was HOT!! That's what I can say about that.. and a little scary at times!! The winds were high and the storms nasty at times.. Trees are everywhere...but was all cool at the same time.

I didn't do much this weekend.. Lots of family time, which is awesome. We took the boys to the Driving Range and hit some golf balls. We then did a lot of miscellaneous things at home!!

What's this about tomatoes carrying salmonella?? I love tomatoes.. They can't stop serving them.. how about some soap and water.. and WASH THEM??!! or stop growing plants with chemicals and poop!!??!! ;) I love tomatoes.. this is not good!! :)

I have the next week off.. I am going to paint Cade's room.. take the boys downtown to a museum and well... that's about it.. the rest.. going to work out and enjoy my time off!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Finally Feeling Better

Well, I didn't escape the lovely flu that traveled around our house this weekend. I thought I might, but I didn't.. Yesterday afternoon it hit me.. OUT OF NOWHERE!! It was gross..... For two days I've been curled in a ball because my stomach hurt so bad, and then my back and legs from being dehydrated. No matter what I put in my mouth.. it came out.. At around 5pm today, I finally started feeling better.... hmmmm... well... we'll see how long it lasts!!

Hmmm....not a whole lot to say except I got a lot of sleep and I still don't feel 100%.... :) Benjamin seems to be doing well. Ryan went to Minnesota this week...he was sick too, but felt better yesterday.....ummmmm.. yea... Now I am just rambling.......:)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Puke and Poop

This weekend wasn't too bad.. Took Benjamin to a Chicago Rush Game and taught him how to play a little baseball..

Caden was sick and puked all of Friday night and Saturday. I went to see Sex and the City the movie and came home to a house of icky smells...

Benjamin was fine until a few hours ago when he started crying that his ear hurt (this is the third time in 2 months... took him to the immediate care.. and sure enough there is still fluid in there. They suggessted we take him back to the ENT.... so have to make an appointment for that ASAP. As we were picking up Benjamin's meds.. he had to rush to the bathroom.. ick... then later when we had been home for a bit.. he puked... .

Ryan just walked in the door stating.. He just puked all over the front yard.......and at the same time got a call from Caden's Grandma saying Cade puked again tonight.....

I just wonder now.. .......when will it hit me.......ugh.......I called my co-worker and warned her.. .. the sad thing is.. we only have to work until Wednesday this week.......... As of right this minute..I bet I'll be home with Benjamin tomorrow... ...........unless Ryan has to stay home too......hmmmmm??!! To be Continued.......

Saturday, May 31, 2008

3 School Days Left

I'm so excited.. Work is almost over, for a week anyway. I really enjoy the summers at Allendale though. They are fun and laid back and the kids are pretty well behaved, plainly because it is SUMMER!! :) I love being outside and hanging out... :)

These last few weeks have been crazy!! I have been so busy with one thing after the next.. I won't ramble on with that though...

Had another incident with Benjamin's Dad last night. He thinks he can show up whenever he feels like. I have an email saying he cannot come to get him this weekend, then he tells Benjamin that he can, but we already made plans for Caden's birthday (which was yesterday), so we didn't go to the police station because I figured he wasn't really coming. Well, I guess he did, and I got a report written that I 'denied' visitation. I got a message from the cop.. and I stopped in there and dropped off the email that I have from Ben saying he is unavailable.... I flat out told the cop, "go ahead and write me up.. but on that piece of paper it says he is unavailable!!".....The cop just said okay....I don't know what that means.. I see my lawyer next week and hopefully we'll get this all ironed out.

Other than that.. Things are great here!! Talk to everyone soon!!!! :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Time for a Change

Hey everyone, I decided to change my blog spot( The other one is slow and here I have heard it is easier to post pics and get onto the site when you need too......

This weekend has been an okay one. I received a call while I was out with some of my teacher friends, that Benjamin's father was at school and the police were there. My phone decided to take a kaput.. so I had no phone. Ryan called me at the bar I was at where thankfully he got a hold of me. Everything worked out, but Benjamin had to go with Ben because Ben has the right to this weekend. Unfortunately, we had plans this weekend and Ben never told me he was coming. On the every other weekend schedule this is considered my weekend. So I am missing my little guy!!!

Ryan and I enjoyed a dinner out on Friday night since we were alone... Then Saturday I went bike riding at Ryan's bike race... it was fun.. except I am bruised and my chin decided it wanted to kiss a tree.. so I have a pretty good looking bruise on my chin :(......

Sunday we went to MM's house and had a BBQ then we went out for a bit and came home. Today we went to the parade .... and now I have to go get I have to run.. but I wanted to try this site out and see how it went!!!

HOpe y'all had a good weekend!!! Happy Memorial Day